
Sunday, June 19, 2016

What's the DinoTri?

Feel like hopping in a race this week?? 

Next race up on the local scene is the DinoTri, (Sat Jun 25th), a race I'm admittedly not familiar with. That said, the man, the myth, the legend B.J. Christenson told me the other day that this is one of his favorite races...  in addition, Ethan Fisher, who's an ok dude if you've never met him told me at RaceTri's Rock Cliff last week that he's doing it as well. So that's two ringing endorsements in the past week alone.

There are sprint & olympic races and the course is reportedly pretty awesome.

I'll post the full start list just for fun in a few days. Evidently Ethan will be racing as a woman... hey, it's 2016, to each his (or her) own!

From the website: "The Vernal DinoTri starts in the gorgeous Red Fleet State park for one of the most incredible swims you will ever have, surrounded by majestic red cliffs. A crazy hill climb greets bikers out of the park followed by the fastest 11 miles in triathlon road cycling imaginable. Finish with a flat run course that takes you through the new Main Street area of Vernal to one of the most family friendly finishes ever. Add it all up and you can see why critics call this one of Utah's Best Events."

not too bad depending where you live, grab some friends and go for it

You can learn more and register last minute at

Contact info:

Emilee Johnson


  1. I am so thankful for this blog. Were it not for this post I would have raced DinoTri as a woman, and probably would have been officially chicked off the podium. Glad someone noticed that!
