
Friday, July 15, 2016

Toughman Utah Half: The Good, The Bad, & the Start List

The Toughman Utah Half in Provo tomorrow is the next race up on the local scene.

BAD NEWS: Mother Nature threw us a nasty curveball with the emergence of an "algae bloom" at Utah Lake, making the water temporarily unsafe to swim in. When I lived in WI there were multiple swims cancelled at Lake Monona (home of Ironman Wisconsin) for the same thing. It's a common thing during hot summer months. We defended Utah Lake in the Utah Half preview (and 99% of the time it's totally fine to swim in)... just bad timing.

What comes to mind is this scene from The Office:

Dwight: Michael, can I talk to you, please? Privately? In your office? I think I should be on the team.
Michael: No. And that's not me being mean, Dwight. That is based on your past behavior.
Dwight: Oh, please.
Michael: [to camera] When I let him come to my pick-up game...
Dwight: I apologized for that.
Michael: [to Dwight] I vouched for you.
Dwight: Michael, I...
Michael: I vouched for you in front of Todd Packer, Dwight. All right, here's what I'm going to do. The hand strikes and gives a flower. You are not going to play basketball. But I need somebody to come in and take over the holiday and weekend work calendar.
Dwight: I can handle that.

GOOD NEWS: there will be a race! RaceTri is working tirelessly to come up with the best solution. Whatever the format, will be fun.

Below is a quick look at the start list. Of course you can't put a lot of stock in all the self-projected times, but for what it's worth that's what I sorted by... 

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