
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Results Breakdown: The Utah Half

Congrats all!

The Utah Half marked Race #6 of the Utah Triathlon Championship Series, with the rest of the series being:

#7 Echo Olympic (July 13th)
#8 Jordanelle Olympic (Aug 10th)
#9 Brineman Half (Sep 7th)
S.C.  Salem Sprint (STATE CHAMPS) (Sep 7th)
#10 Kokopelli Olympic (Sep 21st)

Keep in mind that each of these events has non-Championship Series options as well (Echo sprint, Jordanelle sprint, Brineman sprint & olympic, Kokopelli sprint). For these our emphasis is less on results, rankings, etc and more on getting people out to experience triathlon.

Also, don't forget about these other local upcoming races:

DinoTri (June 29th - next week!)
Topaz Tri (July 13th)
San Rafael Classic (July 13th)

In general we hope you'll support the local race scene, and let's continue making 2019 an awesome season.

Below is the results breakdown for The Utah Half, and this post explains what this is if you need a refresher.


Below are links to all the races in the 2019 Championship Series:

Below are links to all Challenger Races:

We started a Patreon account (link below) with the hope of raising a few bucks towards awards & swag for athletes of all abilities in our tri community. We've given out a lot over the past 3 years, but would like to continue to expand our offerings & the volume we can do.

If you enjoy Utah Tri Buzz and would like to pitch in, any amount would be greatly appreciated... (there may be something in it for you as well!)

We're also always grateful for talented people who contribute in terms of time... let us know if you'd like to be part of the Utah Tri Buzz team.

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