
Friday, June 14, 2019

Utah Tri Buzz 3 Year Anniversary "Greatest Hits"

THANK YOU for supporting Utah Tri Buzz and our efforts to "hype the local scene!" Like we did for 2018 and 2017just for fun here are the top posts in terms of traffic over the past 12 months.

You can click on any of the titles (in red) to see the original posts.

Honorable Mention:

20) Legend Has It: Interview with Andrew Hall

19) Kona Profiles: Laura Yost "Host with the Most!"

18) Kona Profiles: Brice Williams & the Ironman Itch!

17) What's up with BBSC??

16) Kona Profiles: Lightning Lee Weatherhead


Thomas Risse ain't afraid to throw down

14) Daybreak Breaking News!

13) Kona Profiles: BJ Christenson Back for #10

12) What's up with RaceTri??

11) Meant to be! Interview with Steve Monson

And now on to the Top 10!

10) This Race Has Everything!

9) Championship Belt Holders: 2016-2018     
Sage Maaranen, reigning F3034 Belt Holder

8) Kona Profiles: Jess the Pocket Rocket Perry  

7) What's up with TriUtah??

6) Kona Profiles: The Champ is Here

5) Final Age Group Rankings 2018 - WOMEN    

only 1 person per age group can hold the Utah Tri Buzz belt per season, but
everyone who qualified for the rankings is a champ in our book

4) Final Age Group Rankings 2018 - MEN 

Nick Dorsett, reigning M2024 Belt Holder

3) Break on Through! Interview with Local Pro Skye Moench


Mike Humphries is a stud

1) Utah Triathlon Championship Series 2019!

This is the 2nd year of the Utah Triathlon Championship Series,
with a rotating State Champs venue (Brineman 2018, Salem 2019, Daybreak 2020!)
Special thanks to all who have pitched in over the past 3 years! As always, Utah Tri Buzz is open to your ideas & expertise. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to contribute in some way.   

Follow us on Instagram @utahtribuzz
Utah Tri Buzz FB page

Related Posts

1st Year Anniversary: Greatest Hits
2nd Year Anniversary: Greatest Hits


Below are links to all the races in the 2019 Championship Series:

Below are links to all Challenger Races:

We started a Patreon account (link below) with the hope of raising a few bucks towards awards & swag for athletes of all abilities in our tri community. We've given out a lot over the past 2 years, but would like to continue to expand our offerings & the volume we can do.

If you enjoy Utah Tri Buzz and would like to pitch in, any amount would be greatly appreciated... (there may be something in it for you as well!)

We're also always grateful for talented people who contribute in terms of time... let us know if you'd like to be part of the Utah Tri Buzz team.

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